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Seica SpA将在NEPCON China 2011上展示其测试解决方案
点击:10911来源: emasia-china.com作者:Kenny Fu
时间:2019-11-27 15:20:35

Strambino, Italy- March 2011 - Seicas innovative test and assembly solutions are being used across the globe to improve quality, increase productivity and save money in automobile, military and consumer markets. At Nepcon Shanghai we will showcase the following products and solutions : Compact 系列是Seica 取代前在线测和功能测试系列的新系列产品,它汇总了Seica 在ICT 和功能测试上原有的成功特性并把当今电路板生产上的需求集成到该系列上。Compact DT 是一款包括了几乎所有重要功能测试解决方案的仪器。该测试仪配备了模拟和数字测试功能、边界扫描功能, 所有的功能装置被集成于一个小巧便捷的桌面型仪器。

该机可作为机架型的仪器而容易的装配在一台更复杂的测试系统内。Pilot V8 代表了当今飞针测试领域的最新技术, 它提供最优性能的测试解决方案。高性能的测试速度、测试覆盖率、灵活性可以满足测试样板、大批量板亦或各类型维修板的各种测试需求。拥有8个移动的测试探针(前后各4个),2个Openfix探头(前后各1个),2个电源探针 (前后各1个), 2 个CCD 摄像头 (前后各1个), 和2个热扫描探头(前后各1个), 立式结构紧凑的Pilot V8可施加16个可移动的测试资源应用在被测板上。 它倍增的探针数目可以实现两块被测板并行测试,相对于4针测试系统它有效的提高了测试能力。移动的电源探针是另一项重要的革新技术,无须额外的固定探针和线缆就可以对被测板上电执行功能测试。

另外,Pilot V8适用于所有运行模式(单面4针或者双面各2针或4针), 充分利用其完整的测试资源,Pilot V8可以使用其它Seica飞针系统上开发的测试程序。 About Seica: Seica S.p.A, founded in 1986, is a global supplier of automatic test equipment and selective soldering systems, with an installed base of more than 800 systems on four different continents. Seica offers completely automated, laser-based selective soldering solutions, as well as a complete line of test solutions, which include bed of nails and flying probe testers; these have the ability to perform manufacturing defect analysis, in-circuit tests, functional tests and optical tests of loaded boards, second and third level electronic modules and printed circuit boards. Seica S.p.A corporate headquarters is located in Strambino, Italy, with offices in France (Paris), Germany (Munich), USA (New Hampshire and Texas), and China (Suzhou), along with a worldwide distribution network.

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