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JTAG Technologies将在 productronica 2011 上展出一系列新的解决方案
点击:6674来源: emasia-china.com作者:Kenny Fu
时间:2019-11-27 15:56:12

Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 2011,- JTAG Technologies, market leader in boundary-scan solutions will showcase these latest hard- and software solutions at productronica 2011 in Hall A1, booth A1.458.  MAC-Panel Scout Mass Interconnect System Highlight will be a new JTAG/boundary-scan hardware interface product compatible with the MAC-PanelScout mass interconnect system. The JT 2147/DAK is a signal conditioning module that allows seamless connections from JTAG Technologies PXI DataBlaster to the Scouts connection system.Based on the highly successful QuadPod architecture from JTAG Technologies the JT 2147/DAK has been specifically designed in the MAC PanelDirect Access Kit(DAK) form factor.In using the JT 2147/DAK, test system builders will greatly simplify their wiring tasks and, at the same time, retain the excellent signal integrity assured by the QuadPods active interface. The JT2147/DAK features four independent JTAG Test Access Ports (TAPs) along with 16 user assigned Digital I/O channels. Each TAP can be programmed to operate through a range of voltage levels to suit various logic families.

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