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Indium Corporation被评为SMTA 中国2012年度会员赞助商
点击:7247来源: emasia-china.com作者:Kenny Fu
时间:2019-11-27 16:06:24

Indium Corporation was recognized for its strong support of SMTA China at their Annual Recognition Ceremony held during NEPCON China in Shanghai.

Indium Corporation was named 2012 Member Sponsor of the Year in recognition of its robust sponsorship of SMTA China and its events. SMTA China also acknowledged Indium Corporations continued support through its assistance with organizing conferences, as well as providing teaching and training for the organization.

For more information about SMTA China and the award, visit

Indium Corporation is a premier materials supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, solar, thin-film and thermal management markets. Products include solders, preforms, and fluxes; brazes; sputter targets; indium, gallium, and germanium metals and compounds; and Reactive NanoFoil. Founded in 1934, Indium Corporation has global technical support and factories located in China, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

For more information about Indium Corporation, visitor email

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